
Weiblich / 25 Jahre / Gemini

Sie ist jetzt nicht online. Das letzte Mal war schon lange her.

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SprachenEnglisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Die Größe des ArschesMittlere

Über mich

Hello everyone, welcome Muy I am Irem I am a young Colombian who considers herself as a safe, and loving young woman. I love to brace macrame, read and go to eat crepes. My dreams are having my home and my own car,...


Hello everyone, welcome Muy I am Irem I am a young Colombian who considers herself as a safe, and loving young woman. I love to brace macrame, read and go to eat crepes. My dreams are having my home and my own car, traveling around the world and knowing

Hello everyone, welcome Muy I am Irem I am a young Colombian who considers herself as a safe, and loving young woman. I love to brace macrame, read and go to eat crepes. My dreams are having my home and my own car, travel...

Hello everyone, welcome Muy I am Irem I am a young Colombian who considers herself as a safe, and loving young woman. I love to brace macrame, read and go to eat crepes. My dreams are having my home and my own car, traveling

Hello everyone, welcome Muy I am Irem I am a young Colombian who considers herself as a safe, and loving young woman. I love to brace macrame, read and go to eat crepes. My dreams are having my home and my own car, traveling around the world and knowing

Ich mag

I am excited about kind and attentive people.


Я в восторге от добрых и внимательных людей.

Ich mag nicht

Мне противны люди, которые грубят и высмеивают других.


I am disgusted by people who are rude and ridiculed others.

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