
Weiblich + Männlich / 21 Jahre alt / Widder

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SprachenEnglisch, Russisch
Die Größe des ArschesMittlere

Über mich

Hello everyone, my name is Ivy. I'm 20 years old, I'm from Latvia. I love to draw and change images. I am a shy girl, a cheerful, interesting girl. I love singing, dancing, reading books and listening to music. Take a walk in the parks, look at the stars and talk about life and books. In the future I want to get a tattoo, possibly on my arm, and also have my tongue pierced. I'm on the site because I want to meet new people, have fun and have a good time. In my show you will see dancing, singing and my sexual position for you. Now let's talk about sex. What I like most about sex is dominance. I like it when I dominate.


Hello everyone, my name is Ivy. I'm 20 years old, I'm from Latvia. I love to draw and change images. I am a shy girl, a cheerful, interesting girl. I love singing, dancing, reading books and listening to music. Take a walk in the parks, look at the stars and talk about life and books. In the future I want to get a tattoo, possibly on my arm, and also have my tongue pierced. I'm on the site because I want to meet new people, have fun and have a good time. In my show you will see dancing, singing and my sexual position for you. Now let's talk about sex. What I like most about sex is dominance. I like it when I dominate. ✨

Hello everyone, my name is Ivy. I'm 20 years old, I'm from Latvia. I love to draw and change images. I am a shy girl, a cheerful, interesting girl. I love singing, dancing, reading books and listening to music. Take a walk in the parks, look at the stars and talk about life and books. In the future I want to get a tattoo, possibly on my arm, and also have my tongue pierced. I'm on the site because I want to meet new people, have fun and have a good time. In my show you will see dancing, singing and my sexual position for you. Now let's talk about sex. What I like most about sex is dominance. I like it when I dominate. ✨

Ich mag

Теперь поговорим о сексе. В сексе мне больше всего нравится доминирование. Мне нравится, когда я доминирую и показываю себя наполовину


Теперь поговорим о сексе. В сексе мне больше всего нравится доминирование. Мне нравится, когда я доминирую и показываю себя наполовину ✨

Теперь поговорим о сексе. В сексе мне больше всего нравится доминирование. Мне нравится, когда я доминирую и показываю себя наполовину ✨

Ich mag nicht

Мне не нравится, когда меня оскорбляют, и когда они не хотят меня слышать


Мне не нравится, когда меня оскорбляют, и когда они не хотят меня слышать ✨

Мне не нравится, когда меня оскорбляют, и когда они не хотят меня слышать ✨

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